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« My tiny culinary institute: gnocchi | Main | Piadina: the chapati of Romagna »

November 08, 2003



I think this Neiman-Marcus recipe thing has been going on for much longer, since I remember my mom getting from a coworker a ditto-machine copy (remember those?) of the recipe, along with the indignant story, way way back when I was a kid, way before email. They were good cookies though.


Wow, had no clue. Probably e-mails only made the spreading of such hoaxes exponential. Thanks for the info.


This recipe and story has been around LONG before email and the internet. My mother had it when I was in high school in the mid 80s.


I've been reading and enjoying your site. I agree with you on your purist idea of chocolate. I think that the only chocolate should be dark. Tastes better, healther for you and did I say tastes better, cooks better, well you understand. I just this past week made a Black Forest cake for my husband's birthday and he went crazy. I went crazy trying to assemble the thing. What is the deal with splitting layers, should be so simple, but I always end up with some cockeyed layers. My husband says to use dental floss. Worked on another cake. Who knew? Also, I grew up on candied orange peel, and even better candied grapefruit peel. I make it quite often. You don't need to put it into an oven to dry, simply place it on a cooling rack in a dry area and leave it alone for a couple of hours. Works every time. I think that my grandmother had the some cookie recipe and it was way before email because I was still in high school, and that was in the late 60s.

Mom's Recipe Site

Here is a great cookie recipe we found the other day. Delicious - it's a raison cookie recipe. Try it, you'll love it.

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