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« Blog links | Main | Khachapuri, cheese-filled flatbread delight. »

January 26, 2004



sounds good. :)

now, i wonder if there's a place where we can place all the permalinks. hmm... anyone?


I like this idea too. Much prefer the soup option (does it _have_ to have nuts?). I have a lovely soup in mind already :)


I'm in - keep us all posted!


Angela: it doesn't HAVE to have nuts :-). As I said it's just a proposal. The idea would be to get a fix theme till Sunday so that those taking part have a week to think/cook. I'm fine with soup, vegetable and one aroma, and optional nuts :-)

Wena: good point about the permalinks. If there's not too many I could just list them here otherwise it would be nice if someone with more web space at their disposal could set up a simple page for them. On the other hand it's something that would make a nice extra but which is not strictly necessary IMO.

dayment: happy you like the idea!


how about a ring? :)


Wena thta sounds like a very good idea. Must admit I have almost no clue where to start to build one, have to look into it.

Matt Kerner

This sounds great! Count me in. I seem to need some cause to write about the cooking lately. I think there is a lot of potential for some unique recipes to be developed with this type of blog cooking day.


Matt, I'll be looking forward to your creation!
For everyone interested: I'll post a little update on the WE, regarding "theme" and furheter info for the food blogging day.


Great idea. I'll spread it around.

I like theme concept and the soup idea. A future one could be a virtual potluck, I'd beat we'd come up with quite a spread. But then again we might wind up with 50 jello molds.


Paul, thanks. The more people spread this around the better.

I really like the potluck idea for a next one. I wouldn't be too pessimistic: if we come up with 50 jello molds we can always try to get all the pics published in "the gallery of regrettable food" http://www.lileks.com/institute/gallery/ !


So, did you do it again? Sounds like fun.

How about twice a year?


Hi Farid, nice to see you here.

Well, yes we did this again, quite a few times actually. IMBB? has become a montly event with 50-80 blogs taking part to the event in the last editions, with its own dedicated website: you can find the link at the top of the page to the right. There's a rather long list of future host already but new applications are always welcome.

Thanks to all the food bloggers that have taken part organizing and partecipating the event even got nominated as best meme for the 2005 bloggies, the blog awards.

All things considered it turned out quite fine ;-).


Yeah, I found that link after I posted and I registered. :-)

Drunk Girls

Enjoyed your page! I have a similar page related to Drunk Girls at http://www.drunk-girls.biz/drunk


a monthly blog cooking is a good idea !


Thanks Thom. It has indeed been quite a success: a nomination as best meme for the Bloggies in 2005, quite a few other events inspired by IMBB? and we're coming to the 27th edition this month. It would be great if you would join the fun.

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