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June 20, 2004



ooh! that's so nice. yummy!


Never done stuffed squid, but 9 times out of 10 order it in restaurants whenever it crops up on the menu. Think I'll give this one a whirl, there' so much flavour going on in there, never had stufed squid stuffed with their own tentacles either. Thanks for sharing.


Wena, thanks both for the compliments and for the great job in hosting this IMBB!

pieman, you're welcome. Including tentacles in the stuffing is not strictly necessary but I prefer it this way. On the other hand if you wanted a richer sauce to use with pasta, I'd leave out the tentacles from the stuffing and use them for the tomato sauce.


hi Alberto,
sorry it took me so long to get here... I was erm.. kinda "tied up" the last couple of days ; D

oh, this looks wonderful! you're right about cooking squid either very quickly or very slowly... while not melt-in-the-mouth, I can just imagine how tender and flavorful this is.

very interesting about the stuffing of the tentacles into the squid... what a great way to "neaten up" the presentation and to get super flavor... love it! : )

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