If you, like me, are one of those who follow the Italian food blogging scene you might have already stumbled on Gambero Rosso's new blogs, including the revamped Papero Giallo written by Stefano Bonilli, co-editor in chief of the GR magazine. The new blogs added are Marco Bolasco's In punta di forchetta; In vetrina, by Emanuela Comignani (about food related shopping?); Dire Fare Mangiare, dedicated to GR's upcoming same named gastronomic convention, and edited by Luciana Squadrilli and Matteo Simonini; and Cosa succede in città by Nerina di Nunzio about the events taking place inside the space of GR's multimedial gastronomic complex Città del gusto. For the lazy ones like me who don't want to browse through all the blogs, there's even a so called social space collecting all the newest post of the various blogs.
Congratulations to Gambero Rosso for the much awaited (and needed) new look and good luck for the start of the new blogs.
Grazie della segnalazione.
Per Dire Fre Mangiare ci collegheremo con te.
Posted by: bonilli | September 20, 2005 at 11:56 PM
figurati, é un piacere. E di nuovo in bocca al lupo per DFM e a tutti i nuovi blogger del GR.
Posted by: Alberto | September 21, 2005 at 09:14 AM